Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Trip to JoAnn's

Today Me, my Mom and my Sister went to Joann fabrics. Well me and my Sister did, Mom took our dog to the Petsmert next door to file Sophie's (aka my dog's) nails.

So me and Em went into JoAnn's. She browsed, I went in with a mission. I was getting the materials for the cloak of my Raven cosplay. I ended up getting everything I needed and something for another project. The items are as follows:

(Excuse the mess) I got 2 yards of royal blue polyester knit. It would have been about 16 dollars normally, but all knits were half off so I got it for 8! Hurray for convenient sales!


Next on the list is the bonus item, Elastic!! This is for a separate cosplay that I'm working on, which I'll talk about in another post. This is a yard of Elastic and it cost about 2 dollars.

Since my sewing machine doesn't have a stretch stitch and though I spend plenty of time with my extremely crafty great-grandma, I am still relatively inexperienced. So I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish my cosplays, or that the seams would pop. But then I found this incredibly helpful YouTube video: How to Sew Knits and Stretch Fabrics with a Sewing Machine I tried this on an old T-shirt and it worked great! The problem was that I didn't have a ballpoint needle like was suggested. So here we are! These cost about 3 dollars.

And last but certainly not least, thread. I got 2 spools of a blue thread that matched the fabric. I really hope I have enough. These cost about 4 dollars.

So in all, my haul looked like this:
And the best part is, I had a coupon. So in all, I spent $14:50!!! That's less than the fabric alone would have cost normally! And I saved $11:39 which is almost as much as I spent!

I'm going to prewash the fabric tomorrow and start sewing on Friday. I'm not sure this material needs to be prewashed but I'm going to do it anyways.

Til the next time, May The Force Be With You!!